can u imagine if we had only given just 5 minutes to live on this earth what are the things or wishes that we wish to do?maybe some might ask for apologize to every people surround him/her.some might give all his/her propeties that he/she own so that it's still can give benefit although the person are not in the world anymore.some might even think to speak to the beloved ones for the last time.the reality is we don't know when the time of our death will come..maybe it comes without our realise when we are driving car and meet an accident or when we're having our leisure time,having fun but suddenly one bad event happen to us that can cause our death..there's so many reasons that can cause for our death right?maybe the things that we even don't expect it.because Allah had fix the 'ajal' to's just depends on time,where and how that will comes to us.
let's always put in our hearts that 'ajal' will come to invite us whether it's quick or not.let's prepare from now on.just imagine we want to go to a very far places.we must make sure our car is in the good state by check the tyres,oil,engine,water,temperature and sort of things related to our transport.After that for sure we must to make sure we bring enough food,drink water and etc so that we will always be energise to continue our journey.
so it's same with our preparation to death.we need to make sure ourself is in good condition full of iman and takwa to Allah.Then we had to bring also our supplier to our journey because death is not that our life is stop but there's stilll another life waiting for us..i do remembering myself too..bring enough good deeds to our journey.=)
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Monday, September 19, 2011
semut boleh bercakap?
di satu petang yang heningggg...bosan sbb xde kesempatan nie nk m'sharing sedikit info...dri xtaw nk wat ape kan..nk study pown cam xmasuk jekk..tteeettt..HAHA...taw ngak yg semut nie sebenarnye bisa ngomong dong?
dahulu2x kala para saintis barat nie wat conclusion yg semut berkomunikasi antara satu sama lain dgn satu chemical signal called as feromon.So,dyeorng menempelak hebat ayat2x al-Quran yg mnceritakan ttg kisah nabi sulaiman n tentera-tentera baginda dgn sekumpulan semut,sbb ayat tue bagitaw semut berkomunikasi dgn mnggunakan bunyi...
nk dipendekkan citer,adalah sorang professor Jeremy Thomas dri Universiti Oxford nie wat kajian dgn mnggunakan perakam suara kecil utk merakam suara permaisuri semut di dalam sarang.lepas tue,perakam tadi dimainkan semula ke arah sekumpulan semut di luar sarang utk lihat respons mereka terhadap perakam tue..nk tawwww ape jadi ????
agak memeranjatkan apabila semut2x dlam sarang tue mnjadi kaku dan menggerakkan sesungut mereka seolah-olah mendengar dan memberi respons pada bunyi rakaman.mereka seolah-olah memahami arahan yg dihasilkan oleh suara tadi.kemudian sebahagian semut tersebut menghampiri perakam suara tersebut dan menyentuh dengan sesungut mereka seolah-olah ingin berkawan dgn perakam tersebut...
whooooaaaa...such an amazing creature that we even don't realise the way of their communication.subhanallah..sistem komunikasi yg begitu canggih nie hanya diketahui beberapa tahun lepas,namun al-Quran telah menjelaskan kepada kite ttg sistem komunikasi semut nie..hrmmm..same2x lah kite merenung ttg kejadian dan keajaiban yg berlaku di sekeliling kite yg kadang2x kite anggap nyer sebagai normal..tpi dalam al-quran telah menjelaskan segala-gala nye...
di satu petang yang heningggg...bosan sbb xde kesempatan nie nk m'sharing sedikit info...dri xtaw nk wat ape kan..nk study pown cam xmasuk jekk..tteeettt..HAHA...taw ngak yg semut nie sebenarnye bisa ngomong dong?
dahulu2x kala para saintis barat nie wat conclusion yg semut berkomunikasi antara satu sama lain dgn satu chemical signal called as feromon.So,dyeorng menempelak hebat ayat2x al-Quran yg mnceritakan ttg kisah nabi sulaiman n tentera-tentera baginda dgn sekumpulan semut,sbb ayat tue bagitaw semut berkomunikasi dgn mnggunakan bunyi...
nk dipendekkan citer,adalah sorang professor Jeremy Thomas dri Universiti Oxford nie wat kajian dgn mnggunakan perakam suara kecil utk merakam suara permaisuri semut di dalam sarang.lepas tue,perakam tadi dimainkan semula ke arah sekumpulan semut di luar sarang utk lihat respons mereka terhadap perakam tue..nk tawwww ape jadi ????
agak memeranjatkan apabila semut2x dlam sarang tue mnjadi kaku dan menggerakkan sesungut mereka seolah-olah mendengar dan memberi respons pada bunyi rakaman.mereka seolah-olah memahami arahan yg dihasilkan oleh suara tadi.kemudian sebahagian semut tersebut menghampiri perakam suara tersebut dan menyentuh dengan sesungut mereka seolah-olah ingin berkawan dgn perakam tersebut...
whooooaaaa...such an amazing creature that we even don't realise the way of their communication.subhanallah..sistem komunikasi yg begitu canggih nie hanya diketahui beberapa tahun lepas,namun al-Quran telah menjelaskan kepada kite ttg sistem komunikasi semut nie..hrmmm..same2x lah kite merenung ttg kejadian dan keajaiban yg berlaku di sekeliling kite yg kadang2x kite anggap nyer sebagai normal..tpi dalam al-quran telah menjelaskan segala-gala nye...
see semut yang bijak..sape cakap semut xleyh cakap ? =)
Thursday, September 15, 2011
da fes week in ukm
hyep!h0h0hoo...after a very long long long vacation at my beloved hometown now i had to come back to the university life dat was like very busssyyy and is just on da fes and second week i was felt very relieved because there's no labs,class was always dismissed and for sure no mood to study..haha..after this for sure i don't have time to relax and lay down at my bed,sleep all over time like i was doing rite now and most importantly few time to faceb0oking..hehe..and my blog will be ignored for a long time*cause i need to have a very good mood to story mory in my blog..let me tell u a little bit of my schedule of plant biotechnologist student.*sound like i was a very busssyyy student*some of u might say"hrmmm...thought u're a medic student"in a sarcasticsm i care..well i admit my business can't beat da medic student so dat's why i don't choose medical study in my first choice..haha..just for laugh..
okai..back to my now i'm a second year student so my schdule is more pack compare to my fes year life.this semester,i have 4 lab and each of them take 3 hours from is tired rite..*with the sad expression..haha..this is my list lab
-monday : stpd lab.i don't think i like because it's about the application of microcomp dat i don't expert..but i must struggle to diminish all sort of the negative feeling towards dat subject..i know i can..yes!
-tuesday:plant fisiology..hrmmm this might be okayy coz my prof said u can be an artist to draw a lot of plant pic..perhaps it is interesting
-thursday:genetic microbe opinion about this lab it's interesting coz i can get to know more about bacteria..but according to my prof,this is the killer subject because the mostly grade got by the past students were C+ and C..wahhh so scaryyyyy..but perhaps i will n really want to get the most lower grade got by student that were A..wuhuuu..i'allah..
dat's all my beloved laboratory in every week until the last day before final semester..wish me luck to go throung this semester with succesfully and happily..*was appreciating my best week before step into my busy weeekk...hehe..
hyep!h0h0hoo...after a very long long long vacation at my beloved hometown now i had to come back to the university life dat was like very busssyyy and is just on da fes and second week i was felt very relieved because there's no labs,class was always dismissed and for sure no mood to study..haha..after this for sure i don't have time to relax and lay down at my bed,sleep all over time like i was doing rite now and most importantly few time to faceb0oking..hehe..and my blog will be ignored for a long time*cause i need to have a very good mood to story mory in my blog..let me tell u a little bit of my schedule of plant biotechnologist student.*sound like i was a very busssyyy student*some of u might say"hrmmm...thought u're a medic student"in a sarcasticsm i care..well i admit my business can't beat da medic student so dat's why i don't choose medical study in my first choice..haha..just for laugh..
okai..back to my now i'm a second year student so my schdule is more pack compare to my fes year life.this semester,i have 4 lab and each of them take 3 hours from is tired rite..*with the sad expression..haha..this is my list lab
-monday : stpd lab.i don't think i like because it's about the application of microcomp dat i don't expert..but i must struggle to diminish all sort of the negative feeling towards dat subject..i know i can..yes!
-tuesday:plant fisiology..hrmmm this might be okayy coz my prof said u can be an artist to draw a lot of plant pic..perhaps it is interesting
-thursday:genetic microbe opinion about this lab it's interesting coz i can get to know more about bacteria..but according to my prof,this is the killer subject because the mostly grade got by the past students were C+ and C..wahhh so scaryyyyy..but perhaps i will n really want to get the most lower grade got by student that were A..wuhuuu..i'allah..
dat's all my beloved laboratory in every week until the last day before final semester..wish me luck to go throung this semester with succesfully and happily..*was appreciating my best week before step into my busy weeekk...hehe..
Sunday, September 4, 2011
rayerrr ngn kengkawan
aduhhhh lame suda tdk mengupdate blog usang nih..rase cam mlas sgt nk menaip.tpi bila da start menaip mcm2 plak yg kluar..tpi entry kali nie pndek saje..cume nk citer sal rayeerr jea..taun nie fes raye ak ley brjalan ke sana sini sbb bru dpt lesen ape agy jom berderak2x.haha..sminggu raye tuh asek kuar g umh teman2x skolah yg da lme xjupe..best2xxxx sesangat..oklah ak nk mngabdikan gmbar raye dlam teratak usang blog cik nadiah nie.
aduhhhh lame suda tdk mengupdate blog usang nih..rase cam mlas sgt nk menaip.tpi bila da start menaip mcm2 plak yg kluar..tpi entry kali nie pndek saje..cume nk citer sal rayeerr jea..taun nie fes raye ak ley brjalan ke sana sini sbb bru dpt lesen ape agy jom berderak2x.haha..sminggu raye tuh asek kuar g umh teman2x skolah yg da lme xjupe..best2xxxx sesangat..oklah ak nk mngabdikan gmbar raye dlam teratak usang blog cik nadiah nie.
hoho..gmbirenye semue dpt makan
kami 4 sekawan
tuuu dia ngah driveeeee
nie bru cukup sume ahli2x konvoi raye..haha
Thursday, May 19, 2011
~a 3 days holidei in pangkor~
hallo..ingt x entri lepas ak citer sal g gnting okei next olidei trip ak is at pangkor island..wuhhuuu..fes time gak g..a joyable trip wif my sisiter's family..ala sume org da mmg bese pg kt citu kn..p ape yg ak ase time g cne sgt2 la mnarik n best!!mmgla kt citu notim much interesting to attract people..but it's not da attraction really dat i felt staying there is best but actually behind all those lifes at pangkor..i'm still thinking how can people there continue their life by just staying in an island far from urban life..but den i realise dat it's not da urban life dat is important in our life..we still can make a modernisation to a place with our own method in our own life style..3 days in pangkor i can acknowledge all da activities there dat for sure must be related to marinated life..even it's just a small place but there're a lot of enterpreneur and dat r really advanced u know...
okei let's take a look at dis pictures..hope enjoysss it..=)
ha nie ai fes kt atas jeti nk g pngkor |
niela nmenye kote belande satu-stunye tmpt brsejarah kt cni
wif my sis kt lokasi yg sme gak
nie tman foo ling ape tahhh...da lupe..hehe..ade batu great wall
tadaaaa..besar x batu nie
haaa nmpak tak batu besar kt ats 2..tuela great wall slah sti tarikan plncong kt cni gak..
last day kteorg pling syokk nek bot then snorkelling..syokk taw!
best sgt2x g snorkelling..fes time gak try bnde tue..wah xtaw nk ckp pe sbb fes experience tgok ikan kt dasar laut..lawa sgt2x..haaa pastue fes time pgang lintah laut..geli gak awal2x..heee..kalo bley ak nk lago snorkelling sbb xpuas ritue..p ak nie agk pnkut nk g snorkelling kt tgah2x laut..asek dok kt tepi2 jea.akibatnye habis calar balar kaki kne coral2 yg tajam..xpala pngalaman org katekan dok kt pulau..wahhhaa..
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
jum wat ayam KFc
time2 cuti nie xtaw nk wat,,dri dok buang mse cm tuh jea bek ak isi mase ngn memasak..hehe..
ai nie 4 da fes time blajo wat ayam celup tepung jea..p sje nk melebih2 pnggil ayam kfc coz ank buah ak pown ckp"eh ayam kfc la..sape beli"haha..bnggenye ak time tue sbb msk btul2 cm ayam kfc..pasnie ley bkk kfcn stand for kentucky fried chicken nadiah..huahau..
care nk wat sonang jea..
bahan2 nyer:
-beberape ulas bwg ptih
-lada hitam
-garam secukup rase
-aji no moto
-ayam beberape ketul
1) perap ayam ngn bwg putih,lade itam,garam n sikit aji tade moto..owh before tu isi ayam 2 belah due kt tgah2 bgi luas sket surface area isi ayam tuh..hehe..
2) perap la dlm half hour lam peti..pastue gaul lak ngn telur..bpe bijik telur tue depends kt bape ketul ayam yg nk wt kfc tuh.p salunye 1 bijik da ckup..
3)next,amek ayam tue then gaul lak ngn rice flour..owh,,ak ase ape2 jnis flour bley gne kowt..
4)pastue pe agy goreng2 jeala..
5)mkn time panas2 syok!
time2 cuti nie xtaw nk wat,,dri dok buang mse cm tuh jea bek ak isi mase ngn memasak..hehe..
ai nie 4 da fes time blajo wat ayam celup tepung jea..p sje nk melebih2 pnggil ayam kfc coz ank buah ak pown ckp"eh ayam kfc la..sape beli"haha..bnggenye ak time tue sbb msk btul2 cm ayam kfc..pasnie ley bkk kfcn stand for kentucky fried chicken nadiah..huahau..
care nk wat sonang jea..
bahan2 nyer:
-beberape ulas bwg ptih
-lada hitam
-garam secukup rase
-aji no moto
-ayam beberape ketul
1) perap ayam ngn bwg putih,lade itam,garam n sikit aji tade moto..owh before tu isi ayam 2 belah due kt tgah2 bgi luas sket surface area isi ayam tuh..hehe..
2) perap la dlm half hour lam peti..pastue gaul lak ngn telur..bpe bijik telur tue depends kt bape ketul ayam yg nk wt kfc tuh.p salunye 1 bijik da ckup..
3)next,amek ayam tue then gaul lak ngn rice flour..owh,,ak ase ape2 jnis flour bley gne kowt..
4)pastue pe agy goreng2 jeala..
5)mkn time panas2 syok!
Monday, May 9, 2011
~a tribute to mother~
it's kinda usual when the mother's day come,we will be looking at so many poems whether in paper,tv,and most of them in FB dat are all bout mums,mothers,mummy and all sort of calling we give 2 a very precious woman in our life who are de ones who born us into dis world..and same as to me i will not let dis chance to write a poem but xtually it's more bout a story of my life n my 'MA'.. *dat's becoz i dun really know much in making a poem..XD
u're really special in my life,
notim in dis world can replace U,
u're taking care of me since i was being born into a new world,
certainly,dat time was very difficult 2 u right,
fes to bring me da whole time wif u in a more than 9 month,
i know u must really suffer right during dat time,
then,da time u're delivering me
dat must be really2x pain right,
i know peole said it was like da biggest pain after death ='(
now,u're taking care of me until now i'm 20 years old.
it's not only me but also my other 9 siblings..
how can u be so strong to guide all 10 people n now thank god now we're living well..
i know i was like really stubborn during my childhood..
how can u be really patience towards my behaviours,
i know u must have gone through a really hard time,
how can u face all those things,
if i know during da time u had suffered a lot
if i can realise ur hardship even i don't know anytim during dat time,
i would really2x like to comfort U,to please U,to make U cheerful..
i know sumtimes u're angry to me,
n there're da time i was being too rude to u,
coz i juz follow my emotion without think rationally,
MA,i would really seek for ur forgiveness for all de things i do
dat make u hurt,
now i had growing to become a big gurl,
n i will promise to try my best not giving u any
hardship n diffilcuty dat u had felt once during my growing years..='(
yesss,,i really2x want to make it MA..
coz u're everytim in my life,
if i can tell to u right now dat i'm really2x love u truthfully in my heart..
n dat i really alwiss missing U..
please pray for ur daugther dat she will a good child so
i can repay all ur kindness ma..
n also please pray for me so that i'm too can be as strong,patience mom
oneday juz like u MA..=')
it's kinda usual when the mother's day come,we will be looking at so many poems whether in paper,tv,and most of them in FB dat are all bout mums,mothers,mummy and all sort of calling we give 2 a very precious woman in our life who are de ones who born us into dis world..and same as to me i will not let dis chance to write a poem but xtually it's more bout a story of my life n my 'MA'.. *dat's becoz i dun really know much in making a poem..XD
u're really special in my life,
notim in dis world can replace U,
u're taking care of me since i was being born into a new world,
certainly,dat time was very difficult 2 u right,
fes to bring me da whole time wif u in a more than 9 month,
i know u must really suffer right during dat time,
then,da time u're delivering me
dat must be really2x pain right,
i know peole said it was like da biggest pain after death ='(
now,u're taking care of me until now i'm 20 years old.
it's not only me but also my other 9 siblings..
how can u be so strong to guide all 10 people n now thank god now we're living well..
i know i was like really stubborn during my childhood..
how can u be really patience towards my behaviours,
i know u must have gone through a really hard time,
how can u face all those things,
if i know during da time u had suffered a lot
if i can realise ur hardship even i don't know anytim during dat time,
i would really2x like to comfort U,to please U,to make U cheerful..
i know sumtimes u're angry to me,
n there're da time i was being too rude to u,
coz i juz follow my emotion without think rationally,
MA,i would really seek for ur forgiveness for all de things i do
dat make u hurt,
now i had growing to become a big gurl,
n i will promise to try my best not giving u any
hardship n diffilcuty dat u had felt once during my growing years..='(
yesss,,i really2x want to make it MA..
coz u're everytim in my life,
if i can tell to u right now dat i'm really2x love u truthfully in my heart..
n dat i really alwiss missing U..
please pray for ur daugther dat she will a good child so
i can repay all ur kindness ma..
n also please pray for me so that i'm too can be as strong,patience mom
oneday juz like u MA..=')
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