Monday, September 19, 2011

semut boleh bercakap?


di satu petang yang heningggg...bosan sbb xde kesempatan nie nk m'sharing sedikit info...dri xtaw nk wat ape kan..nk study pown cam xmasuk jekk..tteeettt..HAHA...taw ngak yg semut nie sebenarnye bisa ngomong dong?

dahulu2x kala para saintis barat nie wat conclusion yg semut berkomunikasi antara satu sama lain dgn satu chemical signal called as feromon.So,dyeorng menempelak hebat ayat2x al-Quran yg mnceritakan ttg kisah nabi sulaiman n tentera-tentera baginda dgn sekumpulan semut,sbb ayat tue bagitaw semut berkomunikasi dgn mnggunakan bunyi...

nk dipendekkan citer,adalah sorang professor Jeremy Thomas dri Universiti Oxford nie wat kajian dgn mnggunakan perakam suara kecil utk merakam suara permaisuri semut di dalam sarang.lepas tue,perakam tadi dimainkan semula ke arah sekumpulan semut di luar sarang utk lihat respons mereka terhadap perakam tue..nk tawwww ape jadi ????

agak memeranjatkan apabila semut2x dlam sarang tue mnjadi kaku dan menggerakkan sesungut mereka seolah-olah mendengar dan memberi respons pada bunyi rakaman.mereka seolah-olah memahami arahan yg dihasilkan oleh suara tadi.kemudian sebahagian semut tersebut menghampiri perakam suara tersebut dan menyentuh dengan sesungut mereka seolah-olah ingin berkawan dgn perakam tersebut...

whooooaaaa...such an amazing creature that we even don't realise the way of their communication.subhanallah..sistem komunikasi yg begitu canggih nie hanya diketahui beberapa tahun lepas,namun al-Quran telah menjelaskan kepada kite ttg sistem komunikasi semut nie..hrmmm..same2x lah kite merenung ttg kejadian dan keajaiban yg berlaku di sekeliling kite yg kadang2x kite anggap nyer sebagai normal..tpi dalam al-quran telah menjelaskan segala-gala nye...
see semut yang bijak..sape cakap semut xleyh cakap ? =)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

da fes week in ukm


hyep!h0h0hoo...after a very long long long vacation at my beloved hometown now i had to come back to the university life dat was like very busssyyy and is just on da fes and second week i was felt very relieved because there's no labs,class was always dismissed and for sure no mood to study..haha..after this for sure i don't have time to relax and lay down at my bed,sleep all over time like i was doing rite now and most importantly few time to faceb0oking..hehe..and my blog will be ignored for a long time*cause i need to have a very good mood to story mory in my blog..let me tell u a little bit of my schedule of plant biotechnologist student.*sound like i was a very busssyyy student*some of u might say"hrmmm...thought u're a medic student"in a sarcasticsm i care..well i admit my business can't beat da medic student so dat's why i don't choose medical study in my first choice..haha..just for laugh..

okai..back to my now i'm a second year student so my schdule is more pack compare to my fes year life.this semester,i have 4 lab and each of them take 3 hours from is tired rite..*with the sad expression..haha..this is my list lab
-monday : stpd lab.i don't think i like because it's about the application of microcomp dat i don't expert..but i must struggle to diminish all sort of the negative feeling towards dat subject..i know i can..yes!
-tuesday:plant fisiology..hrmmm this might be okayy coz my prof said u can be an artist to draw a lot of plant pic..perhaps it is interesting
-thursday:genetic microbe opinion about this lab it's interesting coz i can get to know more about bacteria..but according to my prof,this is the killer subject because the mostly grade got by the past students were C+ and C..wahhh so scaryyyyy..but perhaps i will n really want to get the most lower grade got by student that were A..wuhuuu..i'allah..

dat's all my beloved laboratory in every week until the last day before final semester..wish me luck to go throung this semester with succesfully and happily..*was appreciating my best week before step into my busy weeekk...hehe..

Sunday, September 4, 2011

rayerrr ngn kengkawan

aduhhhh lame suda tdk mengupdate blog usang nih..rase cam mlas sgt nk menaip.tpi bila da start menaip mcm2 plak yg kluar..tpi entry kali nie pndek saje..cume nk citer sal rayeerr jea..taun nie fes raye ak ley brjalan ke sana  sini sbb bru dpt lesen ape agy jom berderak2x.haha..sminggu raye tuh asek kuar g umh teman2x skolah yg da lme xjupe..best2xxxx sesangat..oklah ak nk mngabdikan gmbar raye dlam  teratak usang blog cik nadiah nie.
hoho..gmbirenye semue dpt makan 

kami 4 sekawan
 tuuu dia ngah driveeeee
nie bru cukup sume ahli2x konvoi raye..haha


Thursday, May 19, 2011

~a 3 days holidei in pangkor~


hallo..ingt x entri lepas ak citer sal g gnting okei next olidei trip ak is at pangkor island..wuhhuuu..fes time gak g..a joyable trip wif my sisiter's family..ala sume org da mmg bese pg kt citu kn..p ape yg ak ase time g cne sgt2 la mnarik n best!!mmgla kt citu notim much interesting to attract  people..but it's not da attraction really dat i felt staying there is best but actually behind all those lifes at pangkor..i'm still thinking how can people there continue their life by just staying in an island far from urban life..but den i realise dat it's not da urban life dat is important in our life..we still can  make a modernisation to a place with our own method in our own life style..3 days in pangkor i can acknowledge all da activities there dat for sure must be related to marinated life..even it's just a small place but there're a lot of enterpreneur and dat r really advanced u know...
okei let's take a look at dis pictures..hope enjoysss it..=)

ha nie ai fes kt atas jeti nk g pngkor
 niela nmenye kote belande satu-stunye tmpt brsejarah kt cni
 wif my sis kt lokasi yg sme gak
 nie tman foo ling ape tahhh...da lupe..hehe..ade batu great wall
 tadaaaa..besar x batu nie
 haaa nmpak tak batu besar kt ats 2..tuela great wall slah sti tarikan plncong kt cni gak..
 last day kteorg pling syokk nek bot then snorkelling..syokk taw!

best sgt2x g snorkelling..fes time gak try bnde tue..wah xtaw nk ckp pe sbb fes experience tgok ikan kt dasar laut..lawa sgt2x..haaa pastue fes time pgang lintah laut..geli gak awal2x..heee..kalo bley ak nk lago snorkelling sbb xpuas ritue..p ak nie agk pnkut nk g snorkelling kt tgah2x laut..asek dok kt tepi2 jea.akibatnye habis calar balar kaki kne coral2 yg tajam..xpala pngalaman org katekan dok kt pulau..wahhhaa..



Tuesday, May 10, 2011

jum wat ayam KFc


time2 cuti nie xtaw nk wat,,dri dok buang mse cm tuh jea bek ak isi mase ngn memasak..hehe..
ai nie 4 da fes time blajo wat ayam celup tepung jea..p sje nk melebih2 pnggil ayam kfc coz ank buah ak pown ckp"eh ayam kfc la..sape beli"haha..bnggenye ak time tue sbb msk btul2 cm ayam kfc..pasnie ley bkk kfcn stand for kentucky fried chicken nadiah..huahau..

care nk wat sonang jea..

bahan2 nyer:
-beberape ulas bwg ptih
-lada hitam
-garam secukup rase
-aji no moto
-ayam beberape ketul

1) perap ayam ngn bwg putih,lade itam,garam n sikit aji tade moto..owh before tu isi ayam 2 belah due kt tgah2  bgi luas sket surface area isi ayam tuh..hehe..
2) perap la dlm half hour lam peti..pastue gaul lak ngn telur..bpe bijik telur  tue depends kt bape ketul ayam yg nk wt kfc tuh.p salunye 1 bijik da ckup..
3)next,amek ayam tue then gaul lak ngn rice flour..owh,,ak ase ape2 jnis flour bley gne kowt..
4)pastue pe agy goreng2 jeala..
5)mkn time panas2 syok!

Monday, May 9, 2011

~a tribute to mother~


it's kinda usual when the mother's day come,we will be looking at so many poems whether in paper,tv,and most of them in FB dat are all bout mums,mothers,mummy and all sort of calling we give 2 a very precious woman in our life who are de ones who born us into dis world..and same as to me i will not let dis chance to write a poem but xtually it's more bout a story of  my life n my 'MA'.. *dat's becoz i dun really know much in making a poem..XD

u're really special in my life,
notim in dis world can replace U,
u're taking care of me since i was being born into a new world,
certainly,dat time was very difficult 2 u right,
fes to bring me da whole time wif u in a more than 9 month,
i know u must really suffer right during dat time,
then,da time u're delivering me
dat must be really2x pain right,
i know peole said it was like da biggest pain after death ='(
now,u're taking care of me until now i'm 20 years old.
it's not only me but also my other 9 siblings..
how can u be so strong to guide all 10 people n now thank god now we're living well..

i know i was like really stubborn during my childhood..
how can u be really patience towards my behaviours,
i know u must have gone through a really hard time,
how can u face all those things,
if i know during da time u had suffered a lot
if i can realise ur hardship even i don't know anytim during dat time,
i would really2x like to comfort U,to please U,to make U cheerful..
i know sumtimes u're angry to me,
n there're da time i was being too rude to u,
coz i juz follow my emotion without think rationally,
MA,i would really seek for ur forgiveness for all de things i do
dat make u hurt,

now i had growing to become a big gurl,
n i will promise to try my best not giving u any
hardship n diffilcuty dat u had felt once during my growing years..='(
yesss,,i really2x want to make it MA..
coz u're everytim in my life,

if i can tell to u right now dat i'm really2x love u truthfully in my heart..
n dat i really alwiss missing U..
please pray for ur daugther dat she will a good child so
i can repay all ur kindness ma..
n also please pray for me so that i'm too can be as strong,patience mom
oneday juz like u MA..=')

Sunday, May 1, 2011

go go genting!


hari tue kan kan kan saye g genting..besttt wuuuuu!!!sbb fes time g so ter'hyperexcited' lh kn..hehe..g ngn bebudak kolej n beberape member len yg join...dhla g after final so mmg men xingt dunia lh..
nie nk ceciter sket flow ak g sane..kteorg brtolak dri kajang kul 9.30..pgi 2 smpat g kekawn ak mkn nasik sume kt citu..tpi cian dyeorg mkn pnyelah secuit jea nk isi perut p bayarn bapak la mahal..ishhhh2x p nk wt cne org skunk suke ngt take 4 granted la kn..dh2x citer pasal kedai makn 2..smbung2x dlm pkul 11 kowt kteorng smpai kt gnting...hrmm..da main thing yg wjib wat amek gmbar lu..hehe..ohh lupe nk citer turun jea kteorg dri bas 2 mmg mnggeletar kesejukn even time 2 da nk tgahari..ak mmg mnyesal giler sbb xbwk sweater konon xsejuk sbb g,,sesape yg nk g gnting jap g rajin2 kn dri bwak sweater..byak gakla function pkai sweater nie slain tuk mnhan sejuk boley mnahan bju korg yg lawa tue dri basah if nk men game yg involved water...ha..stop citer sal sweater..continue2x..ishhh2x...

okai..fes game yg kteorg men ialah space shot..bpak men bnde tue nk trcbut jntung ak..sbb naek tinggi giler pas2 speed giler2 time nk turun 2..hah smpai terketar2 grrgrgrr tgan ak..smpi kt atas 2 ciap mngucap kuat2 sbelah ak cina gelak2 jea kt ak..haishhhh....dhla2x..malas da nk bercite..tgok jela yea gmbo2x kt bwh nie..peaceeeee!!!!!

membe kolej yg ikowt skali...

mcm kanak2 ribena jek!haha
peace skali g...haha

okai..enough 4 dis time..until we meet again the next time at another place..hahaha..xpuas g jenjalan..
so sape2 yg xmai agi gnting sile2 la..sbb nyer ak mnurut kwn ak yg da bese masuk dye ckap dlu kalo nk msuj snowworld baya belas2 jea skunk da nek rm20..next2 time g xtawla bape...hehe..
so,,sblum maken mahai baekla awal2 dtg..peaceeee!!!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

blaja wat kek


its been such a long time not to write anytim in diz blog...maybe to focus more in stdy?hahaaa...*bajet kuat stdy*its okay to perasan skali sekala...heee..

okay notim 2 say..juz want 2 share a little bit knowledge dat i juz gain on how 2 making a blueberry cheese cake..hehe..if some of u're interested juz keep it ur eyes at my blog..=)
i learn 2 make da cake wif a very professional chef u know..yeahhh every chef is professional in their respective type of some are professional in juz doing pastries only but not pro in other cooking...

okay stop bubling...focus on our aim to learn making a BLUEBERRY CHEESE CAKE...

ingredients dat u must have:

-cream cheese 500 gm (juz go to pastry shop or any supernarket n ask for the cream cheese =)
-icing sugar 125 gm
-sour cream 125 gm (it's okay if u don't put it =)
-egg yolk 35 gm
-corn flour 15 gm
-milk 30 ml (juz use dairy milk dat we usually drink)

this one for meringe

-egg white 60 gm
-sugar 35 gm
-cream of tarta 1/2 tsp
filling blueberry 100 gm

okai..such an easy way to make dis cake...juz mix all da ingredients n then finish..HAHA...juz joking..
when u're ready with all dat stuff,fes put da cream cheese n icing sugar in machine where u can 'uli' them until smooth n soft..put da sour cream,egg yolk,corn flour n milk..keep them machine..

next,,dry da machine to use for making the usual mix all da ingredients slowly n lastly juz mix da fes one dat we have served..then we baked by using a tray n put water around it..after it has been baked,,wait until cool n freeze it to make it more delicious...ermmm..yummm2x..=)
have fun to try it...
 okai dis one is called da base...after we're finished with da fes mixture n da meringe juz put it on the base..

                                           along da time making da cake...smileeeee....

okai.....enough 4 dis time..nex time we will meer again in other programme...haha..*pektis speaking senarnye even grammar tunggang lnggang..muahaha..dun angry2 ya*pua chu kang..HAHA

Thursday, February 3, 2011

~program family angkat~

lame asenyer ak xmgupdate blog ku malas jek nk tulih..p ak nk mngabdikan kngan ak kt blog knela tulis gak kesahnye..ak nie bru jea blik dri mengikuti program BAKSIS singkatan pde bakti siswa..hrmmm...berbaktila sgt kn..hahaha..yg xley bla ak dok umh fmily agkat tuh reti tido,bgn,mkan..tue jea..ingat nk nolong kt dpur ke..alih2 bgun pgi pon da lewat..subuh gjah plak tue..bpak gjah kot..hahaha...ape daaa...=,=

p best gak dok kt cne 3 ari 2 mlm..sbb xpnh g de fmily agkat an..hrmm..ak cube wat2 muke xmalu utk menyesuaikan dri ak ngn fmily tue..p jea borak2 ngn kakak2 n adek2 angkat ak fes2 sampi..dlm ati ak dok brkire dyeorg bley x trime ak nih..hehee..alhamdullilah dyeorg mmg baek n trime jea ak n sorng agy partner ak yg dpt fmily angkt sme..yg pling tua kt umh tue pmpuan dok upsi..msuk palapes kot..yg ak masih ingt ma angkat ak pnh cite anak dye nie pnh kne dende time palapes..nk taw ape dndenyer...kne amek air dalam mgkuk toilet yg pnuh ngn *tongkolan emas* pastue raup kt muke..mmg kalo ko bgi sejute pon ak xnk wat gtu..haha..

suasane kg kt citu pown best gak...tenang jea..smpaikn kteorg berani nek moto kt jln beso tue tnpe helmet kot...haha..kiteorng kalo time brkumpl nk wat aktiviti mesti merempit ngn moto..pnjam yg fmily angkat nyer..yela xnk nyusahkn abah angkt nk kne anta..p kteorg awal2 progrm abah yg antakan so ciap de yg sindir g amboi ank manje btol ciap abah angkat sndri yg anta..haha..besela..

program2 kt citu lak cm menarik..ade gotong-royong ngn pnduduk kg,pastue masak gulai lmbu ramai2x..kteong mmg mnolong p xkurng gak ngn potpet2x mulut dok bekerje skali..hehe.. besela org pmpuan katekan.time tue gakla sesi nk knal2 ngn teman2 baksis yg lem...yg lucunye ade sorng makcik tue..dye de ank agkat dlm progrm baksis nie..biler dgr jea nk wat gotong-royong trus dye dtg crik ank angkt dye..nk taw nape?sbb bimbng si anak dye nie wat keje teruk sgt..padahal gtong-royong jea pown..bkn sruh bina bngunan.haha..tue bru ank agkat kalo ank sndri xtaw la ak..heee...

pnjang x cite ak nie..sbnanrye byak agi ak nk tulis...p takot korg malas lak nk bace kan..haha..p syok ar join program angakt tue mmg best..especially ma angkt stu ptg mmg lame giler kteorg dok rindu gler plak kt mase tue..heee...arap2 ak still contact g ngn dyeorg...

begitulah tmatnye citer ak nie..ak xnk korg mngantok smbil bce belog ak nie..muahaha..

Monday, January 10, 2011

Metafora:Si anak gajah

Entri ku kali nie xabes2 pasal binatang kn..hrmm..p kali nie bnatng tue juz as a metaphore only..juz want to share wif all readers a story bout  motivation..biaq brsmangt sket awal2 sem nie..heee...

Citernye camnie.....

Adela sekor anak gajah dirantai sejak kecil kt sebatang tiang.Pade mulanye anak gajah itu punyela meronta-ronta nk lepaskan diri.Anak gajah itu x terdaya sbb time tue kaki die masih kecil, rantai serta tiang yg menambat gajah tue pulak kuat giler.Hari demi hari dicubenye,ttpi anak gajah itu x dapat melepaskan dri.Lama-kelamaan anak gajah itu tidak mahu mencuba lagi kerana takut dengan risiko kegagalan.
Setelah bertahun dalam keadaan itu,anak gajah membesar sbgai gajah dewasa.Badan,kaki dan lain-lain anggota badannya sudah turut membesar lebih daripde rantai dan tiang yg menambatnye dri kecik lagi.Secare logiknye dgn sekali rentap saje besi dan tiang itu boleh tercabut.Sayangnye,gajah itu tidak pnh terfikir utk berbuat demikian.Kenape???
Kerana ia sudah hilang keyakinan diri.Pengalaman gagal mase kecik wat gajah tue x mahu mencube lagi.Padenye,ia tetap tidak mampu melakukannye.
Inilah bahana hilang keyakinan diri lam dri kiter.Same x kalo nk wat perbandingan ngn idop manusia nie ngn citer gajah kt atas tdi??so..da lesson..jgn kite jdikan perkare yg lepas tue sentiase mengonkong dri kite padahal sebenarye smpai stu mase kite pown mampu gak utk jdi perdane menteri yg mampu mengubah nasib dunia...fuhh..hebat x dri kite nie yg asalnyer dlu sorang yg penakut??? Caya same lu...

Hrmm..alang2 da citer sal self-confidence nie,,meh ak share skit tips nk memupuk n bina keyakinan diri..

  • brgantung hanye pade Allah
  • jage solat lime waktu.
  • sentiase merase berdose terhadap Allah lalu sentiase bertaubat atas kesilapan sama sde besar atau kecil,sengaje o x..
  • bace al-quran dan bertadabbur dgnnye
  • Berzikir dgn wirid-wirid tertentu

  • percaye pade diri sendiri..katekan kite boleh..kite adalah sebaik-baik ciptaan Allah.
  • jgn takut n teragak-agak melakukan sesuatu yg positif n baik...kalo boeh buang ase malu yg x bertempat.
  • lihat kelebihan diri n kaji serta baiki kekurangan diri yg ade.
  • sentiase berfikiran positif..badan perlu sihat n minda sentiase cergas.
  • sentiase bersedia...jgn bertangguh-tangguh melakukan sesuatu yg anda belum tahu o mahir o belum berani melakukannye.
  • hargai diri..
  • tabah n cekal mnghadapi sebarang halangn o musibah..

  • pilih kawan n komuniti(masyarakat) yg boleh membina keyakinan anda.
  • elakkan drpde mereka yg suke memperkecil o menakut-nakutkn anda...“siape  kite 5 thun akn dtg ditentukan oleh buku ape yg kite bace n dgn siape kite bergaul pde hari ini.”
  • cari role model..sebaik-baiknye ialah para nabi.
  • maafkan kesalahan org lain n mudah meminta maaf jike rase bersalah.
  • bergaul dgn teman2 n individu.
  • berhenti membandingkn diri anda dgn org lain..

Friday, January 7, 2011

~my feberet animal~

entri yg simple pde kali nie..nk citer pasal haiwan jea..biaw la ak kn budak zoo..hehe..dlu,,ak bkn yg berjiwe cam exotik gitu minat2 kt hewan nie...p sjak mdpt kos berkaitan ngn hewan mmgla ptot utk ak mmpunyai jiwe syg n cinte pde hewan bkn berjiwe kebinatangan..lem maksud tue..heee... hijau yg meradang biler kteorg g dkt2...heee

                                                               si tue yg cool gitu..hehe..
                                                            cube teke menatam apekah ini??
                                                              lwa gak skin ular nie..
                                                                 encik ular yg handsome...
                                                 kera badak pown ade kn...
                                            hoho..belagak berani pege ular p lam hati punye bedebo...
                                       nk patah tgkuk ak gare2 ular sawa yg dok membelit tuh...
                                        hoho..nampak ala2 scientist x???doa2kan ak yea~aminnn....

hrmmm...amecam okei x gmbo hewan2 kat atas tue..walopon ak xpnh2 trpiki nk mnceburi bodang nie at least why not i try fes to love this field with truely my love...o'oh jiwang lak..
i love animal...hrmm...agak2 bley jdi moto bru ak x???heeee...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

sedekah yang sebenar-benarnye...

assalamualaikum..entri ak kali nie sedikit info sharing berkenaan dgn jom bace2x..


  • tidak ada dalil dlm agame kite yg mengatekan sedekah yg banyak itu lebih baik daripade yang sedikit atupun sebaliknye..
  • Allah hanya peduli pde amalan sedekah saudara.

  • sekiranyer boleh rahsiekan juga daripade org yg menerime sedekah saudare.
  • saudare boleh menggunekan org tengah yg saudare percaye ataupun memberikan sedekah secare diam-diam,iaitu tanpa pengetahuannye..

  • anak yatim
  • orang miskin
  • ibnu sabil iaitu org yg sedang berjihad pde jalan allah..
  • simpan yg buruk untuk diri sendiri dan berikan yg baik kepade org lain sebagai sedekah.
  • cthnye jangan sedekahkan brg terpakai krn itu adalah suatu penghinaan kepade diri sendiri sbg hamba Allah yg merdeka.
  • sekiranye saudare mahu memberikan brg terpakai,jgn anggap ia sebgai sedekah krn perbuatan itu hanye merosakkan amalan mulia bersedekah..anggaplah ia sbagai pemberian ataupun sumbangan sahaje.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

lecturer bi yg sportim


huhhh..lame asenyer x mnjejakkan kaki kt blog nie..sejak2 msuk u nie mmg malas sketla nk mgupdate kn dri dkat blog nie..p cam da terase rindu sket nk menulis kt blog nie..heeee

okay sebab kn ak juz memasuki sem 2..nk citer la sket pasai kelas bi ak nie..lecturer ak tuh laki pnyerla sportim habis n sempoi2 gtu + kelakar..ak ingat agy dye citer kt kteorg lam kelas..
lecturer:do u know in japan the policeman juz only ride in bicycle to check around the,,u don't have to worry if u want to rob a bank in the japan becoz the police will not effort to chase after u using their old't rigth student..(dgn nada yg bersahaje)..ahhaha..lawak kan...

memang best la dok lam kelas dye...