Monday, September 19, 2011

semut boleh bercakap?


di satu petang yang heningggg...bosan sbb xde kesempatan nie nk m'sharing sedikit info...dri xtaw nk wat ape kan..nk study pown cam xmasuk jekk..tteeettt..HAHA...taw ngak yg semut nie sebenarnye bisa ngomong dong?

dahulu2x kala para saintis barat nie wat conclusion yg semut berkomunikasi antara satu sama lain dgn satu chemical signal called as feromon.So,dyeorng menempelak hebat ayat2x al-Quran yg mnceritakan ttg kisah nabi sulaiman n tentera-tentera baginda dgn sekumpulan semut,sbb ayat tue bagitaw semut berkomunikasi dgn mnggunakan bunyi...

nk dipendekkan citer,adalah sorang professor Jeremy Thomas dri Universiti Oxford nie wat kajian dgn mnggunakan perakam suara kecil utk merakam suara permaisuri semut di dalam sarang.lepas tue,perakam tadi dimainkan semula ke arah sekumpulan semut di luar sarang utk lihat respons mereka terhadap perakam tue..nk tawwww ape jadi ????

agak memeranjatkan apabila semut2x dlam sarang tue mnjadi kaku dan menggerakkan sesungut mereka seolah-olah mendengar dan memberi respons pada bunyi rakaman.mereka seolah-olah memahami arahan yg dihasilkan oleh suara tadi.kemudian sebahagian semut tersebut menghampiri perakam suara tersebut dan menyentuh dengan sesungut mereka seolah-olah ingin berkawan dgn perakam tersebut...

whooooaaaa...such an amazing creature that we even don't realise the way of their communication.subhanallah..sistem komunikasi yg begitu canggih nie hanya diketahui beberapa tahun lepas,namun al-Quran telah menjelaskan kepada kite ttg sistem komunikasi semut nie..hrmmm..same2x lah kite merenung ttg kejadian dan keajaiban yg berlaku di sekeliling kite yg kadang2x kite anggap nyer sebagai normal..tpi dalam al-quran telah menjelaskan segala-gala nye...
see semut yang bijak..sape cakap semut xleyh cakap ? =)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

da fes week in ukm


hyep!h0h0hoo...after a very long long long vacation at my beloved hometown now i had to come back to the university life dat was like very busssyyy and is just on da fes and second week i was felt very relieved because there's no labs,class was always dismissed and for sure no mood to study..haha..after this for sure i don't have time to relax and lay down at my bed,sleep all over time like i was doing rite now and most importantly few time to faceb0oking..hehe..and my blog will be ignored for a long time*cause i need to have a very good mood to story mory in my blog..let me tell u a little bit of my schedule of plant biotechnologist student.*sound like i was a very busssyyy student*some of u might say"hrmmm...thought u're a medic student"in a sarcasticsm i care..well i admit my business can't beat da medic student so dat's why i don't choose medical study in my first choice..haha..just for laugh..

okai..back to my now i'm a second year student so my schdule is more pack compare to my fes year life.this semester,i have 4 lab and each of them take 3 hours from is tired rite..*with the sad expression..haha..this is my list lab
-monday : stpd lab.i don't think i like because it's about the application of microcomp dat i don't expert..but i must struggle to diminish all sort of the negative feeling towards dat subject..i know i can..yes!
-tuesday:plant fisiology..hrmmm this might be okayy coz my prof said u can be an artist to draw a lot of plant pic..perhaps it is interesting
-thursday:genetic microbe opinion about this lab it's interesting coz i can get to know more about bacteria..but according to my prof,this is the killer subject because the mostly grade got by the past students were C+ and C..wahhh so scaryyyyy..but perhaps i will n really want to get the most lower grade got by student that were A..wuhuuu..i'allah..

dat's all my beloved laboratory in every week until the last day before final semester..wish me luck to go throung this semester with succesfully and happily..*was appreciating my best week before step into my busy weeekk...hehe..

Sunday, September 4, 2011

rayerrr ngn kengkawan

aduhhhh lame suda tdk mengupdate blog usang nih..rase cam mlas sgt nk menaip.tpi bila da start menaip mcm2 plak yg kluar..tpi entry kali nie pndek saje..cume nk citer sal rayeerr jea..taun nie fes raye ak ley brjalan ke sana  sini sbb bru dpt lesen ape agy jom berderak2x.haha..sminggu raye tuh asek kuar g umh teman2x skolah yg da lme xjupe..best2xxxx sesangat..oklah ak nk mngabdikan gmbar raye dlam  teratak usang blog cik nadiah nie.
hoho..gmbirenye semue dpt makan 

kami 4 sekawan
 tuuu dia ngah driveeeee
nie bru cukup sume ahli2x konvoi raye..haha